Our Fiscal sponsor

Arts without limits

The Portland Pediatric Music Therapy Project (PPMTP) is Fiscally Sponsored by Art Without Limits, a nonprofit organization committed to the growth and development of cultural arts production across the United States.

PPMTP is solely funded by donations and grants. These help pay for instruments and technology, the salaries of the music therapists, resources for continuing education to stay up to date on best practices, and other costs associated with keeping this program running. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made by going to PayPal or using the QR code below. For larger donations, we ask you to write a check so that we can receive your full contribution without paying the fees incurred by PayPal.

Checks can be written to Art Without Limits and mailed to 816 Chelham Way Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Please specify that you are donating to Portland Pediatric Music Therapy in the memo line. This is important to ensure that our project receives your contribution.

Thank you for helping our program reach the children, families, and healthcare workers who would most benefit from our services!